Our Blog

From our Friday encouragement to our Coaching Tips, keep up with our blog to stay connected and to continue growing!

Where Is Your Awareness?

Where Is Your Awareness?

We've all heard of the proverbial "elephant in the room." As we dig into ICF Competency #8 of Creating Awareness, let's zero in on another manifestation of that elephant. It’s the elephant in our BRAINS! Ubiquitous, yet invisible, this elephant takes up an enormous...

Name the Elephant in the Room

Name the Elephant in the Room

The old saying “elephant in the room” implies that there is an issue that is so big, or complex, or unmanageable, or unsolvable that it’s simply easier to pretend it doesn’t exist. In other words, ignore it, and it will go away! When coaching leaders, the elephant...

Which Brain Are You Listening With?

Which Brain Are You Listening With?

Our mood, our experiences, our levels of reasoning—all determine how we listen, and how well with listen. We can playfully consider these brain modes that may be driving our listening: The Buddy Brain – the Buddy Brain is concerned with making sure everyone is happy,...

Let’s Agree on What Agreements Mean

Let’s Agree on What Agreements Mean

Agreements. Do they bring to mind any of these thoughts? “Don’t fence me in! … I don’t want to have to comply … I better get it right or I’m in trouble … I feel guilty because I didn’t do what I said I’d do!”  🙁 Why do we not always jump in and make agreements?...

You Belong

You Belong

Belonging means to be a part of something—part of a friendship, or a romantic relationship, or a work team, or a community, or a group working toward a common cause, or, or, or. The longing to belong, like the longing to be loved, is wired-from-birth within each one...

Encourage Your Brain!

How would you like to receive a short, brain-friendly newsletter every Friday that is guaranteed to make you feel better and naturally increase your dopamine levels?